Link to Discord
Keisha Howell
here Bev
Keisha Howell
@Bev O He isn't live not but here is his home page Try this for chat
Note...this link will change. You can go to Johnny's homepage to find the current link: ... 80#p493952
2020-2021 posts start here: viewtopic.php?f=44&t=412&start=780#p448050
2019-2020 posts start here: viewtopic.php?f=44&t=412#p239836
Link to 2018-2019 season: viewtopic.php?f=112&t=302
Adults named Obey (M) and River (F) (per the announcement on the Dale Hollow Facebook page), "The Obey River is the main tributary that forms Dale Hollow Lake and runs the full length (almost 50 miles) of the reservoir from the headwaters to the confluence with the Cumberland River below Dale Hollow Dam." per JudyB from first season's thread.
This is a 3 eaglet nest. For the 3 years that we have documented, Obey and River have laid 3 eggs twice. In 2014, there is also documentation that they raised 3 eaglets.
Obey and River Obey and River Dale Hollow Eagle Cam:
Link to DHEC with chat and moderators:
Note...this link will change. You can go to Johnny's homepage to find the current link: ... P1ecPRfWXQ
Nest log thanks to Marty Wininger: ... sp=sharing
Weather Report:
Facebook page:
**Disclaimer on Facebook page**
As Dale Hollow Eagle Cam (DHEC) enters this exciting second season watching the life cycle of these magnificent American Bald Eagles, Obey & River, it is necessary to inform our viewers of the following.
This Eagle's Nest is located on Dale Hollow Lake, a 30,000 acre reservoir located on the Kentucky-Tennessee state line. Eagles are being viewed in their natural habitat and viewers may witness attacks by Great Horned Owls, other Eagles, and could see injury and/or death of one of the Eagles and/or their young Eaglets.
DHEC is permitted to be near this Eagle's Nest only one time per year, July/August, when the Eagles are away from their nest. DHEC will make camera adjustments and maintenance at this time. DHEC will not violate federal law and go near this nest during any other time of year for any reason. Human intervention in the lives of Eagles will only endanger the nest, the Eagles, their young, and could cause the Eagles to abandon this nest. Likewise, if anything happens to the cameras during the nesting season, DHEC will not go near the nest as the camera will remain off until the permitted July/August "off-season".
Therefore, please view this camera with discretion knowing that no one will go near this nest for any reason other than to watch, from a distance, with binoculars. Nature will take it's course at this nest and DHEC will not intervene if you witness a disturbing situation at this nest.
If you witness an Attack from an owl or other predator, please do not expect immediate feedback as to the condition of the Eagles. DHEC relies on viewers, boaters, and spotters to send reports to DHEC and this takes time when the reservoir is so large. Eagles have a broad range and they may not be within camera view for days or weeks at a time. The camera only shows a small area of the Eagle's daily life, the nest, and does not show you the many, many miles that Eagles travel each day.
If you must know the location and condition of these Eagles every minute of the day or night, you will be disturbed and worried by watching this nest. DHEC will not make the journey of several miles to the nest each time a viewer is disturbed that they have not seen one of the Eagles in a few hours or even days.
Watch and enjoy this camera with discretion knowing that disappointment and tragedy can and will occur along with the joy and beauty of these magnificent creatures. Pray for God's protection be upon this nest, these Eagles, and their offspring. God, who created the Eagles, and all living creatures, knows best, and is in control.
Please change the channel on your TV or change web-sites on your computer if you find watching these Eagles in their natural, wild habitat disturbing in any way.
DHEC appreciates your viewing, your comments, and your support. THANK YOU !!
2019-2020 nesting season - year 4
*Cam online: Cam stays online
*Adults returned: They stay in the area year round
*Eggs laid: Egg 1 laid on 1/22/2020 at 1:44pm,
Egg #2 laid on 1/25/2020 at 12:30p
Egg 3 laid on 1/28/2020 at 12:07p
*Eggs hatched: DH9 hatched 2/29/2020 at 11:33pm (a leap baby!) Sadly, DH9 fell over the edge of the nest at 5:07am on 3/4/2020; DH10 hatched on 3/2/2020 sometime overnight and was seen at 3:08am.
*Sad News: The cam went offline April 29 after being struck by lightning, and we later learned that the whole tree came down; happily a local observer reported that the eaglets (and adults) were fine (eaglets were 56-58 days old)
*Fledging: both were seen flying June 8 (96+98 days old - likely fledged earlier)
*Last seen:
2020-2021 nesting season - year 5 (added by JudyB)
There was no cam in 2021, but local observers reported two fluffy chicks on March 21 with further reports of two large, healthy-looking eaglets on a new nest in the area; there's a lot of info on the Dale Hollow Eagle Cam page on Facebook, and scrolling back a long way, I found posts suggesting both eaglets were seen flying, and a June 22 report that no one was on the nest - so I'm assuming all went well. ~JudyB
2021-2022 nesting season - year 6
*Cam online: The camera was installed in the summer of 2021 and went live on September 10, 2021, but as of October 10, they are still working out some of the technical issues to keep it streaming
*Adults returned: They stay in the area year round
Nov. 26 River spends first night on the nest
*Eggs laid: January 17 at 1:49p ..

EGG # 2 JANUARY 20 AT 1:06p
Penelope's egg laying video.
EGG #3 January 23
EGG #3

*Eggs hatched:
DH14 - February 25, 11:16 am (39 days)
DH15 - February 25, 11:51 am (36 days)
DH16 - February 28, 1:21 pm (36 days)
*Sad News:
Food was scarce for a few days beginning the afternoon of March 16, and oldest chick DH14 got most of the food that was delivered, and kept the two younger chicks from being fed; by the afternoon of March 18, DH14 was seriously attacking little DH16; the weather was cold and wet while the adults looked for food; little DH16 died at 7:30 pm on March 16.

DH14 - May 18, 4:08 pm (82 days)
DH15 - May 21, 11:08 am (84 days)
DH14 - May 19, 11:32 am (83 days)
DH15 - May 22, 5:30 am (85 days)
*Last seen:
Both were heard on June 19; at least one was heard on June 21
Local observer Marty Winninger saw both fledglings and the adults in the area on June 24, 2022 (link)