In Memoriam

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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:28 am


Enough tears shed during these 8 last years and which in the recent couple of years became incompatible with my illness.

I therefore leave to the one who will have tenderness and love to share with these dearly departed, young and old, in the way he or she appropriate to do so, the possibility of paying a last tribute to our winged friends who gave us so much happiness during their lifetime. Thank you in advance to those brave people who want to participate.

:rh: :grhug: :huggie: :hug: :rh:
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by JudyB » Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:47 am

Philjo56France wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:28 am

Enough tears shed during these 8 last years and which in the recent couple of years became incompatible with my illness.

I therefore leave to the one who will have tenderness and love to share with these dearly departed, young and old, in the way he or she appropriate to do so, the possibility of paying a last tribute to our winged friends who gave us so much happiness during their lifetime. Thank you in advance to those brave people who want to participate.

:rh: :grhug: :huggie: :hug: :rh:

Thank you for all your work and dedication over the years, and please do focus on your health now. I know there are many people and other critters on both sides of the rainbow bridge sending good thoughts your way.

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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Kitcat11848 » Thu Jan 02, 2025 3:44 pm

Philippe, your caring and dedication to all those avian friends gone too soon is so appreciated. We will miss this from you but your health is what matters most. Please check in with us when you can and let us know how you are doing. Take care My Frenchie Friend.
AKA: Marianne

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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Thu Jan 02, 2025 9:49 pm

Thanks JudyB and Marianne, i'll continue to check all my beloved :rh: nests :rh: but from a little bit far, less implicated and time to time i will post some news or remembering, normally next will be on january 15th even if it is still a sad date for me and many...

:hug: :grhug: :huggie:
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Woodlands Bleu » Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:07 am too joining in the chorus to say focus on your health. We cherish all you are and have done. Blessings friend,
An upside down dog is a happy dog dreaming sweet dreams.

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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:57 pm

Merci Carolyn! :huggie: :hug:

I forgot to say that I can help and will be happy to do it for whoever wants to take over during the transition, just ask :thumlft: :huggie:
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
One day in the wild is worth a lifetime in a cage. B.Shofstall
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:27 pm

RIP 2025

Bef 01-06-2025. SE33 the Sea Eaglet from Sydney Eagle Cam, Australia.

Lady an Dad's beloved older WBSEaglet, and SE33's beloved older sibling.

SE33, around one month after his release from a rehab center was like his young sibling SE34 (november 12), euthanised, the first week of january. Again at this nest the loss of the sea eaglets, almost like every year now. It seems that WBSE here at Sydney, once their eaglets fledged the parents are taking care of them less to less. But it is only my thought but proved many previous seasons before too.

:cry1: :brknhrt: RIP :brknhrt: :cry1: SE33
Lady and her two eaglets SE33 and SE34
:cry1: :brknhrt: RIP :brknhrt: :cry1: SE33 and SE34

What I'm sure of now, wherever you are, †SE33† and †SE34†'s souls are in the hands of God, her true father 🙏.

†SE33† was certainly very well surrounded by all its older already gone †siblings† and also by †SE34† and i'm sure mon Amie Pascale was there also.

RIP beautiful and precious †SE33† as that was Gods's choice to bring you with him :cry1: :brknhrt: 🙏 :cry1: :brknhrt:
unlike your young sibling †SE34† where only the human choice was taken into account to euthanize an eaglet for the loss of vision in one eye because it could not have been released into the wild but perhaps an organism could have taken care of it and nourished it.... Shame on you !

In that cases, †SE33† and †SE34† like Angels, unzipped their feathered down coats and their souls flew away to the Heavens where they were welcome by all their †siblings†. Now you are flying among the stars, marvellous †SE33† and †SE34†. :rh: 🙏

†SE33† and †SE34† of course you also have a special place in our hearts forever... :rh:

†SE33† and †SE34†, Fly high, freely with always a full crop and protect your future siblings and all still alive, your Mom Lady and your Dad too who once again saw their beloved children disappear very, too quickly. Take care of every of them. If you have still some time, take a look at us too, as we will need your help too.

Don't forget also, God has certainly a new and beautiful mission for you. :luck: . :rh:
After a too short life, now you are a free soaring White Bellied Sea Eaglet forever in the light and you will never be alone.

:brknhrt: :( :cry1: :cryhanky:

Eagles, Ospreys, Falcons, Hawks, Owls, Condors, Raptors and Others


In Memory of:

RIP 1 bird, (0 adult and 1 young.
†SE33†, White Bellied Sea Eaglet from Olympic Stadium Sea Eagle nest, Sydney, AUS. Found grounded and injured, finally euthanized. the week before †January 6.---

MIA 0 bird, (0 adult and 0 young).

Unhatched Eggs: (1)
b]NE30[/b] egg#1 non viable at North Florida Eagle Cam.---

Without Past, there is no Future !

To all of you, Fly Free, Fly High with always a full Crop and don't forget all of you,
You will never be alone, You will live for the Eternity in our Heart.

January 22 - 2025

Another 1 more stab wounds straight to the :rh: heart. I thought that afterwards we removed them and that there was no trace of them but in fact they continue to accumulate... :brknhrt: :brknhrt: :brknhrt:
Last edited by Philjo56France on Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
One day in the wild is worth a lifetime in a cage. B.Shofstall
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:37 pm

Check back here viewtopic.php?p=766421#p766421

RIP 2024

06-14-2024. Redding, Ca. Male Bald Eaglet Sol

Sol °03-29-2024 @ 07h41 - 06-14-2024 @ 10h40 - 77 days old.

Sol, Liberty and Guardian younger beloved eaglet, Luna's younger beloved brother died in his nest (unknown cause) the nest tree is a dead tree and it is not possible to recover the body for possible analyses, in addition the parents are still watching over the poor remains and Luna his young sister needs her parents close to her to feed her so not chase Liberty and Guardian from the area is a priority.


06-16-2024. Redding, Ca. Female Bald Eaglet Luna

Luna °03-26-2024 @ 15h07 - 06-16-2024 @ 11h00 - 82 days old. (06-16 Last time seen alive)

LUNA, Liberty and Guardian older beloved eaglet, Sol's older beloved sister. 06-18-2024, her remains were found and sent for analysis. One wing (bone) (ulna) was fractured and so not possible for her to fly... The necropsy results are still pending (09-09-2024).


2024 Cause of death revealed for Redding eaglets after necropsy done on Luna

and ... ne-on-luna

REDDING, Calif. — Friends of the Redding Eagles (FORE) announced Monday they received the necropsy report on Luna, the Redding eaglet who died in June.

According to FORE, Krysta Rogers of Wildlife Health Laboratory (WHL). who worked on the examination, stated the cause of death was likely related to high temperatures experienced in the area early in the month.

FORE said the report from WHL, a part of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, also stated: "there were no indications of infections or exposure to toxins, although testing was limited by the poor condition of the remains."

RELATED |Liberty and Guardian to rebuild after 13-year nest comes down; where will they rebuild?

Luna's sibling Sol remained in the nest and reportedly also died during the same heat wave.

The parents of Luna and Sol, Liberty and Guardian, lost their nest in a storm in December and are currently in rebuilding mode on a new one. FORE said the results of the report made them more relieved to know the pair accepted a starter nest they created for the famous Redding eagles with more shade in a healthier tree to protect future eaglets.

They also said the update was only a summary of the full report stating,

At this time, we are still reviewing the very detailed information presented in the entire final necropsy report & we are consulting with our raptor rehab expert Marily Woodhouse on a few questions & clarifications on the findings. We also realize that some of the very graphic details of the report could be upsetting to many people who loved our Luna with all of their heart, so we want to be careful with how much of the final report we release publicly.
Comment bubble

According to FORE, there were no indications of West Nile Virus or Avian Influenza, also known as Bird Flu, present in the eaglet when it died.

:( :cry1: :cryhanky: :brknhrt:
Announcement 1/6/25:
We wanted to let you know that we have received the Final Necropsy Report on our Redding eaglet "Luna". We want to thank Krysta Rogers with the Wildlife Health Laboratory California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife for her hard work & thorough examination & extensive testing.
At this time, we are still reviewing the very detailed information presented in the entire Final Necropsy Report & we are consulting with our raptor rehab expert Marily Woodhouse on a few questions & clarifications on the findings. We also realize that some of the very graphic details of the report including the condition of Luna's remains could be upsetting to many people who loved our Luna with all of their heart, so we want to be thoughtful with how much of the Final Report we release publicly.
We would like to share this brief Summary that Krysta Rogers wrote so you will at least know what the findings revealed...
"Attached is the necropsy report for the eagle. Cause of death was likely related to the high temperatures in early June. There were no indications of infections or exposure to toxins, although testing was limited by the poor condition of the remains."
Krysta also added this crucial information to the report:
"The unusually high temperatures in early to mid-June likely caused the eagle to leave its nest before it was physically ready. On June 11, when the eagle reportedly left the nest, the high temperature was 106°F. In early to mid-June 2024, there were two periods of consecutive days with temperatures above 100°F including June 5-7 when the maximum temperature ranged from 103°F to 106°F and June 10-12 when the maximum temperature ranged from 104°F to 106°F.
Additionally, the nighttime average low temperature for this week remained relatively high at 72°F. In early to mid-June 2023, the average high temperature was only 87°F during the day and 65°F at night, a temperature difference of 14 and 7 degrees, respectively.
Young birds in nests with little shade have few options to escape the heat and direct sunlight. During consecutive days of high heat, conditions in the nest may cause heat stress and the nestling may fall or jump from the nest when trying to escape the heat. The sibling of this eagle reportedly remained in the nest and died during this period of high heat. Heat stress may contribute to respiratory and/or cardiovascular strain, dehydration, and/or damage to the organs and gastrointestinal tract."
Krysta Rogers
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
As upsetting as this is to read, the information makes us feel even more relieved that our beloved Redding Eagles Liberty & Guardian accepted the Starter Nest we built for them & will now be nesting in a LIVE Tree with shade & a canopy to help protect all of their future eaglets. And, it was also a huge relief to learn there were no indications of infections like West Nile Virus or Avian Influenza present.
At least we finally have some closure on the 2023-2024 Nesting Season & now it is time for us to follow the lead of our beloved Redding Eagles as we begin the next chapter of this amazing journey together.
Here's to New Beginnings!
Thank you to all of you for your never-ending patience & understanding. We appreciate all of you!
~Terri & the FORE Team

:( :cry1: :cryhanky: :brknhrt:
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
One day in the wild is worth a lifetime in a cage. B.Shofstall
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:47 am

RIP 2025


01-26-2025. E24 Bald Eaglet from Fort Myers, SWFEC, Fla.

E24 °December 14 2024 @ 16:01 -- † January 26 2025 @ 18h41 (43do 02h40')

E24 F23 and M15's beloved Bald Eaglet and E25's beloved older sibling.

E24, About what i noticed yesterday, most of the time it was laying down, then during the afternoon under what seemed to be a hot sun, E25 was able to thermoregulate, breathing quickly, E24 was not able to do it...

:cry1: :brknhrt: RIP :brknhrt: :cry1: E24 "I'm expecting a little brother or sister"
The two 2025 siblings, by Desiree Deliz, right is E24 and left is E25
"I will no longer be an example to you, but don't worry, Mom and Dad will explain everything you need to know to get through it...
©Desiree Deliz
:cry1: :brknhrt: RIP :brknhrt: :cry1: SE24

...And then if you want me to fly away with you for a while, you know what you have to do, you shouldn't be ashamed, it's only my old clothes that stay in the nest, my heart is with you and in the light. I will always be with you."

:vid: by Lady Hawk

What I'm sure of now, wherever you are, †E24†, your souls is in the hands of God, your true father 🙏.

†E24† was certainly very well surrounded by all its older already gone †siblings† and also by †Harriet and Ozzie† and i'm sure mon Amie Pascale was there also.

RIP beautiful and precious †E24† as that was Gods's choice to bring you with him :cry1: :brknhrt: 🙏 :cry1: :brknhrt:

In that cases, † E24 † like an Angel, unzipped its feathered down coat and its soul flew away to the Heavens where it was welcome by all its † siblings † E3, E5, E14 †, and older nest members, † Ozzie and Harriet †. I asked Also † Pascale † to be there to welcome you too. Now you are flying among the stars, marvellous † E24 †. A new Star is born! Please, keep an eye on your family and on us too. :brknhrt: :cryhanky: :cry1: 🙏

†E24† of course you also have a special place in our hearts forever... :rh:

†E24†, Fly high, freely with always a full crop and protect E25, your future siblings and all who are still alive, your Mom F23 and your Dad M15 too who once again saw one of his beloved children disappear very, too quickly. Take care of every of them. If you have still some time, take a look at us too, as we will need your help too.

Don't forget also, God has certainly a new and beautiful mission for you. :luck: . :rh:
After a too short life, now you are a free soaring Bald Eaglet forever in the light and you will never be alone.

†E24†, You so small who gave us so much joy

:brknhrt: :( :cry1: :cryhanky:

Eagles, Ospreys, Falcons, Hawks, Owls, Condors, Raptors and Others


In Memory of:

RIP 2 birds, (0 adult and 2 young.
†SE33†, White Bellied Sea Eaglet from Olympic Stadium Sea Eagle nest, Sydney, AUS. Found grounded and injured, finally euthanized. the week before †January 6.--- †E24†, Bald Eaglet from Fort Myers, SWFEC, Fla. F23 & M15 older beloved Bald Eaglet and E25's beloved older sibling. January 26---

MIA 0 bird, (0 adult and 0 young).

Unhatched Eggs: (1)
b]NE30[/b] egg#1 non viable at North Florida Eagle Cam.---

Without Past, there is no Future !

To all of you, Fly Free, Fly High with always a full Crop and don't forget all of you,
You will never be alone, You will live for the Eternity in our Heart.

January 27 - 2025
Last edited by Philjo56France on Wed Jan 29, 2025 12:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
One day in the wild is worth a lifetime in a cage. B.Shofstall
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Maddy » Mon Jan 27, 2025 12:17 pm

:cry1: :brknhrt: RIP :brknhrt: :cry1:
E9 is 8 yo now

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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:25 pm

RIP 2025


01-26-2025. E24 Bald Eaglet from Fort Myers, SWFEC, Fla.

E24 °December 14 2024 @ 16:01 -- † January 26 2025 @ 18h41 (43do 02h40')

E24 F23 and M15's beloved Bald Eaglet and E25's beloved older sibling.

By Desiree Deliz

This is my last day with you... Sorry!
©Desiree Deliz


CROW - Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc.
7 h ·
We were deeply saddened to learn of the overnight passing of SW Eagle Cam eaglet E24. CROW was given permission to retrieve the deceased eaglet, and with the invaluable assistance of our friends at Joshua Tree, Inc, we were able to successfully recover E24.
The next step is to conduct a necropsy to try to determine the cause of death.
CROW remains on standby, ready to assist with any further needs or actions related to the nest or the eagle family. We truly appreciate the support and understanding of the public as we continue to work on behalf of wildlife in need.
#SWEagleCam #E24 #CrowClinic

Avian Flu H5N1 confirmed by CROW 01-30-2025
Last edited by Philjo56France on Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
One day in the wild is worth a lifetime in a cage. B.Shofstall
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Tue Jan 28, 2025 2:33 am

RIP 2025


01-28-2025. E25 Bald Eaglet from Fort Myers, SWFEC, Fla.

E25 °December 17 2024 @ 05:48 -- † January 28 2025 @ around 02h55 (41do 21h07')

E25 F23 and M15's last beloved Bald Eaglet.

E25, After a good day, its last hour was very bad. It seemed to suffer as E24 did the day before and during its last hour it suffered of many seizure and loss of balance and may be multiple pains heard by its chirps too until the las moment when it lost its balance and fell down from the nest without a word and noise at 02h55. CROW was there very early, they found E25 but it was dead and they brought i back with them to make its necropsy.

:cry1: :brknhrt: RIP :brknhrt: :cry1: E25

The two 2025 siblings,

E24 & E25 Forever together
E25 was so tired

E24 and E25 Forever together
E25 is looking at us

E24 & E25 Forever together
Left is E25 and right is E24
©Desiree Deliz

:vid: by Lady Hawk

What I'm sure of now, wherever you are, †E25†, your souls is in the hands of God, your true father 🙏.

†E25† was certainly very well surrounded by all its older already gone †siblings† and also by †Harriet and Ozzie† and i'm sure mon Amie Pascale was there also.

RIP beautiful and precious †E25† as that was Gods's choice to bring you with him :cry1: :brknhrt: 🙏 :cry1: :brknhrt:

In that cases, † E25 † like an Angel, unzipped its feathered down coat and its souls flew away to the Heavens where it was welcome by all its † siblings † E3, E5, E14, E24 †, and older nest members, † Ozzie and Harriet †. I asked Also † Pascale † to be there to welcome you too. Now you are flying among the stars, marvellous † E25 †. A new Star is born! Please, keep an eye on your family and on us too. :brknhrt: :cryhanky: :cry1: 🙏

†E25† of course you also have a special place in our hearts forever... :rh:

†E25†, Fly high, freely with always a full crop and protect your future siblings and all who are still alive, your Mom F23 and your Dad M15 too who once again saw one more of his beloved children disappear very, too quickly. Take care of every of them. If you have still some time, take a look at us too, as we will need your help too.

Don't forget also, God has certainly a new and beautiful mission for you. :luck: . :rh:
After a too short life, now you are a free soaring Bald Eaglet forever in the light and you will never be alone.

†E25†, You so small who gave us so much joy

:brknhrt: :( :cry1: :cryhanky:

Eagles, Ospreys, Falcons, Hawks, Owls, Condors, Raptors and Others


In Memory of:

RIP 3 birds, (0 adult and 3 young.
†SE33†, White Bellied Sea Eaglet from Olympic Stadium Sea Eagle nest, Sydney, AUS. Found grounded and injured, finally euthanized. the week before †January 6.--- †E24†, Bald Eaglet from Fort Myers, SWFEC, Fla. F23 & M15 older beloved Bald Eaglet and E25's beloved older sibling. January 26--- †E25†, Bald Eaglet from Fort Myers, SWFEC, Fla. F23 & M15 younger beloved Bald Eaglet. January 28---

MIA 0 bird, (0 adult and 0 young).

Unhatched Eggs: (1)
b]NE30[/b] egg#1 non viable at North Florida Eagle Cam.---

Without Past, there is no Future !

To all of you, Fly Free, Fly High with always a full Crop and don't forget all of you,
You will never be alone, You will live for the Eternity in our Heart.

January 28 - 2025
Last edited by Philjo56France on Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
One day in the wild is worth a lifetime in a cage. B.Shofstall
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Philjo56France » Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:11 am

RIP 2025


01-28-2025. E25 Bald Eaglet from Fort Myers, SWFEC, Fla.

E25 °December 17 2024 @ 05:48 -- † January 28 2025 @ around 02h55 (41do 21h07')

†E25† F23 and M15's last beloved Bald Eaglet.

By Desiree Deliz

E25 And F23
©Desiree Deliz

Avian Flu H5N1 confirmed by CROW 01-30-2025
Last edited by Philjo56France on Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
:rh: E9: 8 yo / E14 :rh:
One day in the wild is worth a lifetime in a cage. B.Shofstall
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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Maddy » Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:35 am

:cry1: :brknhrt: RIP :brknhrt: :cry1:
E9 is 8 yo now

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Re: In Memoriam

Post by Kitcat11848 » Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:47 pm

It’s almost unbelievable that we have lost both eaglets at SWFL. My heart breaks, not only for myself but for the Pritchetts, all the Mods, ground photographers, and everyone who follows this nest. Now I pray for the health and safety of M15 and F23. Soar high and free E 25 and find your sibling; may you both have full crops forever. :brknhrt:
AKA: Marianne

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