Wildlife Reports In The News

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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by IrishEyes » Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:39 pm

Turkey vulture found trapped under dead seal last year has been rehabilitated, released | CBC News


Read all about here

,https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-sco ... -1.5811369

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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by IrishEyes » Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:45 pm

Florida retiree wrestles puppy from jaws of alligator

Look here.. watch the video
https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/11/21/us/p ... ssion=true

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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by IrishEyes » Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:49 pm

A Reason for Hope: Wisdom, world’s oldest known, banded bird, returns to Midway Atoll
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Pacific Islands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Pacific Islands
Dec 3 · 5 min read

Wisdom, the world’s oldest known, banded wild bird incubates her newest egg. Credit: Jon Brack/Friends of Midway Atoll NWR
Read all about here

https://medium.com/usfwspacificislands/ ... 9faa9df3b8

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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by JudyB » Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:47 pm

Thanks so much for your posts here, Bev - so many wonderful things going on in the world of wildlife!

This is a story from one of the newspapers in my state of Maine - hoping folks will be able to read it - it's really a great story!

That time I ended up with baby owls and a bald eagle in my back seat
https://bangordailynews.com/2020/12/16/ ... eu4PM9QbV8

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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by IrishEyes » Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:25 pm

JudyB wrote:
Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:47 pm
Thanks so much for your posts here, Bev - so many wonderful things going on in the world of wildlife!

This is a story from one of the newspapers in my state of Maine - hoping folks will be able to read it - it's really a great story!

That time I ended up with baby owls and a bald eagle in my back seat


https://bangordailynews.com/2020/12/16/ ... eu4PM9QbV8
You are welcome Judy and thanks so much.. I read the story and watched the video.. this is amazing .. nice way to end my day :)

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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by Philjo56France » Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:44 am

No. 765 double-clutched herself’: Condor at Oregon Zoo lays second egg as first one is hatching
https://ktvz.com/news/national-world/20 ... 20No.%2055
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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by Philjo56France » Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:21 am

RIP sweet April :brknhrt: :cry1:

Just some bad news i read this early morning at https://explore.org/livecams/ospreys/osprey-nest

Dorothy HawkZon • 8 hours ago
God Evening My Osprey Friends. I have some sad news to tell you all, April the Giraffe 20 years has
passed away this morning was euthanized due
to her Alling arthritis in her body & legs. She was
a great ambassador to all Giraffes' to make everyone
aware of how great they are & she had the heart figures on her very special with her hay showers.
Have A Blessed night & God Bless April. She
will be forever missed. Dorothy From Sarasota Florida.

And From https://www.facebook.com/AnimalAdventurePark/
Animal Adventure Park 14 h ·
It is with the heaviest of hearts that Animal Adventure Park announces the tremendous loss of our beloved April the Giraffe. Euthanasia was carried out at April’s home in Harpursville this morning, due to her worsening arthritis, in accordance with the recommendations of her veterinary team. We grieve with her many fans, near and far, as we say goodbye to the giraffe that can be credited with making a foothold for giraffe and giraffe conservation awareness in the 21st century.
April the Giraffe became a viral sensation and household name in 2017, winning admirers around the globe as the world watched her labor and delivery with bated breath via a YouTube live stream. Since then, April has been one of the world’s most famous animals, and in turn, has made a profound impact on giraffe conservation, education and appreciation. While her hoofprints in her yard will erode in time, the imprint she has made on the hearts of people around the world will never fade.
At the celebrated age of 20 years old, April was in her golden years, with the captive management life expectancy averaging 20-25 years, far greater than the average lifespan of 10-15 years in the wild. We credit and thank the outstanding collective care provided by the park’s veterinarians and animal care team with keeping April happy and healthy during her more than five year stay at Animal Adventure.
Both teams have made every possible effort to keep her comfortable and prolong her life while managing her condition. Over the past year, accommodations were made and treatments performed, including yard substrate changes, installation of a state-of-the-art padded barn flooring system, coupled with farrier work, dietary and medical changes. April’s most recent veterinary exam identified the acceleration of April’s condition, prompting the determination that euthanasia was the humane and appropriate course of action.
Following the euthanasia, her body was escorted to the Cornell University Veterinary School by the Patch family, where a necropsy will be completed. She will then be cremated, and her ashes will be returned to Animal Adventure Park. To gain a deeper understanding of April’s condition and this decision, please review the following details from her veterinary team and caretakers.
Statement from Animal Adventure Park’s veterinary team:
“Beginning in the summer of 2020, the staff at Animal Adventure Park began reporting changes in April's mobility. The park's veterinarians radiographed April's feet in July 2020 and noted the onset of osteoarthritis. The radiographs showed a loss of joint space and subchondral bone collapse in her left hind leg, which can be expected in a giraffe of her age. In addition to the joint supplements, the park began multi-modal management of osteoarthritis including measures such as pain medications, anti-inflammatories, hoof trimming, installation of padded flooring and dietary changes in hopes of slowing down the progression of her condition. During each visit by the park's veterinarians, we assessed and discussed April's quality of life, which has remained top priority while managing her condition. Unfortunately, over time, what we saw was April increasingly shifting her weight from limb-to-limb, a continual decline in mobility and spending a lot more time laying recumbent. The most recent set of radiographs taken in early March to evaluate her condition, showed significant and progressing degeneration of the joints in her lower leg. The severity of her condition has been outpacing our ability to control April's comfort. The March 2021 observation reported advanced osteoarthritis, interphalangeal subluxation in the left rear hoof, and lameness and angular joint abnormalities in all feet.
Relating these arthritic changes to personal pets (dogs, cats, horse) and even humans, can help us better understand and relate to the condition. Lameness and arthritis are amplified in animals as large as giraffe. While a small dog can compensate, large species, like giraffe, can deteriorate quickly. Despite Animal Adventure Park's multi-faceted approach to mitigate April's condition, it is irreversible and advancing at a rapid rate. As hard of a decision as it is, for a veterinary team and facility, it is decided that euthanasia is the most humane decision to make at this time.”
“April the Giraffe brought joy to the millions who have watched her via the park’s Giraffe Cam, and the hundreds of thousands of visitors who have made the trip to her home in Harpursville, New York," said Jordan Patch, owner of Animal Adventure Park. "To her keepers and our team here at the park, she is a precious member of our family, and while we knew this day would eventually come, our hearts are hurting. April’s impact on animal conservation and appreciation is both immeasurable and lasting. The loss of an animal as loved as her will be felt in our community, around the country and across the world. We appreciate respect and empathy from April’s fans and the park’s supporters during this difficult time, as they grieve along with us. She will be deeply missed and fondly remembered. April, in her own special way, changed the world.”
Please share your memories and photos of April with us in the comments below.

April the giraffe, who gave birth in a viral livestream, dies aged 20
New York zoo where giraffe lived says she was euthanized because of advancing arthritis
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... tube-birth

On April 2, 2021, Animal Adventure Park announced that April had been euthanized at the age of 20 because of worsening arthritis. Her body is to be cremated and her ashes returned to the park.
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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by Philjo56France » Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:58 am

Sad news relayed to me by Pascale
Tree holding bald eagle nest in Barr Lake State Park falls down, eaglets found dead underwater
https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/l ... 6yWt4U4Gac
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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by Philjo56France » Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:15 am

Rat poison found in over 80% of bald eagles in a US study
By Megan Marples, CNN

https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/08/us/b ... index.html
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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by Philjo56France » Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:44 pm

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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by Philjo56France » Sun Aug 22, 2021 12:41 am

https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va ... t-No6HxKco

Two young ospreys were removed from their nest and euthanized so workers could replace a light in a Southern Maryland park
Wildlife supporters raise concerns; one man said he’s ‘outraged’ over the situation

At Cove Point Park in LusbyCalvert County, Md.

Two osprets murdered because their parents had chosen to place their nest on a light pole in a Southern Maryland park :angry: :cry1:

Where is this world going ?

A serious problem reported by the Washington Post. There is a whole chain of responsibility to denounce, responsible for a double death, two osprets paid for it with their lives and as with us in France everyone discards.
Responsible but not guilty. For me all are guilty, but I'll let you make up your own mind. I would also like that there are resignations in chain in this kind of case. And also all of my bad thoughts for you, the guy or the vet who killed them when they weren't responsible or hurt. You deserve to lose your license for not having helped them live or survive instead. ...
©Part of Chris Hoffman's pics

You can show your grip of war, it is despicable and inhuman once again although for me, guy, you are neither responsible nor guilty. you only did your duty ...
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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by BentyWing » Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:44 am

Reading these articles is triggering a major rollercoaster of emotions... It warms my heart to see how much people care about animals - all the animals! I grew up in a country where animals don't have a big significance in someone's life. Best case scenario, the animals would be ignored. Worst case... I don't even want to open this extremely painful subject. I had this awful neighbor boy, he was mean to all the kids, he was throwing things at stray dogs and cats, and for some inexplicable reason, his parents got him a guinea pig! That poor thing did not last long... I have a feeling he died from stress. Can a guinea pig die from stress? I could hear the awful boy screaming and taunting the poor little creature all day long... I was too little and too dumb to do anything at that time, but I sure hoped he never got it in the first place.

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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by Philjo56France » Mon Oct 04, 2021 4:15 am

National Geographic

Thursday, September 30, 2021
In this newsletter, a woodpecker and 22 other species are officially extinct; inside the world of jaguars; what you should know about salmon... and vote for the bear with the best junk in the trunk.

https://email.nationalgeographic.com/H/ ... 80dce/HTML
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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by Philjo56France » Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:46 am

In France either we do not have the privilege of intelligence :dunno: :angry:

What a shame! :angry:

News paper in french https://actu.fr/pays-de-la-loire/saint- ... m=referral

https://www.facebook.com/marie.saintjoa ... 9224186309
"We were informed of shots fired at geese located in the marsh behind rue de la Ville yesterday morning around 9:30 am.
No less than 25 geese left behind, a sign of savage and illegal slaughter.
In this present case it is not a question of hunting action but of voluntary destruction; an isolated act of vandalism.
In addition, shooting within 150 meters of homes is completely prohibited.
We disapprove of such regrettable, unconscious actions, and call for good citizenship and respect for the rules of good conduct."

I sincerely ask your forgiveness in the name of a majority less stupid and less bloodthirsty than the author of this heinous act ... I await the day (his last one) when he will have to answer for this act and still I am afraid that his judges are more tolerant than himself and me for sure since they are only Love.
:cry1: :cry1:
RIP beautifuls birds.
:rh: E9: 7 yo / E14 :rh:
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Re: Wildlife Reports In The News

Post by IrishEyes » Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:57 pm


HELPFUL HINTS.......Bev...member since 08/04/09

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