General Raptor Mitigation

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General Raptor Mitigation

Post by gemini » Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:38 pm

Thoughts & Projects on Saving a Bald Eagle Nest Trees & and Bald Eagle Habitat

“The Creation of Bald Eagle Preserves”

“…it breathes truth into our slogan: Beautiful British Columbia”!

A Bald Eagle Nest and Nest Tree is the heart of bald eagle territory and this proposal is to preserve existing and develop future bald eagle nesting areas, by establishing a list of appropriate trees that can be modified or preserved for future Bald Eagle Preserves.

The short term we are discussing:

1. The Bald Eagle Nest — “Tree Bank”
2. The “Bald Eagle Preserve“

By: David Hancock, Myles Lamont — Hancock Wildlife Foundation

mitigation-nest 6.jpg

Many urban and suburban environments, particularly the Greater Vancouver lower Fraser Valley, provide incredibly productive bald eagle habitat for both the huge wintering eagle population that passes through the area but equally important this region house the densest bald eagle breeding population in North America.

For the migrating and wintering bald eagles the important habitat components are the seasonal availability of wild spawning salmon, herring and oolachin. This is of course supplemented by protein dumps at such artificial sites as urban landfills, agricultural offal and winter die-off’s, and fish carcasses from artificial spawning channels, and more recently at sites where people regularly feed eagles. Our migrating eagles also need woodlands and forests for important day and night roosts.

The incredible nesting density of bald eagles in the Lower Mainland is due to the naturally productive intertidal zone surrounding the region, the even more productive fresh waterways ......MORE.

Member since: 7/31/2006

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